Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How Varicose Veins And Pregnancy Are Closely Related

A time may come in anyone’s life when one may be looking at their legs in the mirror quite by chance and be dismayed to find that they resemble the legs of their grandmother. It could be shocking as one may not pay any heed to the rear of their knees. How it is possible one may wonder to not have a few varicose veins even after living a long life and pregnancies.

One may be at risk of being affected by varicose veins because of pregnancies. The quantity of blood in the human body is more when one is pregnant. The rate of blood flow from legs to pelvis also decreases during pregnancy causing an increased pressure on the veins. If progestin hormone levels are high, it may cause the varicose veins to dilate.

During pregnancies varicose vein treatment in Huntington Beach isn’t  limited to legs alone. In addition to legs, Vulva is affected by varicose veins as well. Varicose veins can either be really small and may not be noticeable to the naked eye or they could be relatively large and would have the potential to disfigure a particular body part.   Soreness and swelling of the Vulva could be uncomfortable for sitting. The feeling is as though one is sitting on a catamaran.

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins in the lower rectum and anus which is a type of varicose veins. Pregnancy and constipation are the main causes of hemorrhoids and to avert it, one has to avoid being pregnant and constipated. If the cause of hemorrhoids is genetic, then it cannot be controlled as alteration in hormones or circulation while being pregnant cannot be controlled either. However, steps can be taken to either lessen or prevent varicose veins while being pregnant.

What can be done is:

Legs should be raised beyond the level of heart thereby promoting circulation. Resting with feet up would be helpful as well. A hard pillow among the box spring and mattress could be placed at the base of the bed so that legs can be raised while sleeping.   

Standing for a long time could numb the senses. Therefore sitting breaks should be taken as often as possible. Conversely, sitting for any length of time, would necessitate walking breaks as often as possible. One’s weight ought to be monitored. Excessive weight gain within a short time is stressful on veins.

One could try support pantyhose or support hose that is thigh high. Often, support hose that is knee high or socks for that matter could be restrictive. If there is any sort of discomfort in vulva, then a specially designed garment could be used in the vulva as support for varicose veins.

Constipation is an enemy of hemorrhoids therefore as a preventive measure; one ought to drink as much fluid as possible, include fiber in diet and, if required a health care professional ought to be consulted as to whether or not a stool softener is needed.

Patience is also vital. If varicose veins develop while one is pregnant, often there isn’t any sign of it after a few months to at the most a year of delivery. This is the time when one would recuperate from hormonal and vascular changes caused by pregnancy.  In the intervening time one could have a discussion with their health care provider regarding any discomforts or concerns that one may have.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Treat Your Cardiac Problems from Cardiac Specialist Only

A physician responsible for primary care ought to be consulted initially periodically so that a patient's general health condition can be monitored. This is necessary to ensure that treatment is progressing according to a definite plan. Patients with complications that require specific procedures may have to consult varied specialists for treatment.

Cardiologists Orange CountyThere might be instances where the primary care physician may be an intern or a family physician who may be serving as a coordinator for patient care. This person would be the one who would be entrusted with the task of daily medical care of patients. Included in the tasks of a primary care person are evaluating risks, medical tests and looking for proof of any other disease.

Cardiologists in Orange county can diagnose patients with a particular heart disease, a treatment plan and procedure would be put in place which would address the issue of whether or not medicines ought to be taken or whether certain procedures are needed if the disease is sev

Generally it's advisable that patients visit their primary care physician on scheduled dates to ensure that they are taken care of with regard to treatment as was originally planned. If treatment is progressing smoothly then continuing with medical care in general is recommended.

On each and every visit there would be a physical examination and through the physical examination the doctor and the patient would together review the effects of modifications in lifestyle and how the patient reacts to prescription drug. If the symptoms are new or are altered, the patient's physician might proceed with routine tests to gauge the patient's heart condition.

Majority of physicians who take primary care of patients have the requisite qualification to formulate and manage plans for treatment of persistent ailment. Patients developing severe complications necessitating surgery or other medical procedures would be referred to a specialist by a physician.

In a few instances, Cardiology Specialists would be serving as a patient's designated or assigned doctor who would treat and manage a patient's heart condition. Either a primary care physician or a heart specialist would be assigned to a patient depending on the severity of the heart condition and the nature of the patient-doctor relationship. If a patient visits a cardiologist for treatment of mild heart condition or for medical care after a vital surgery, a heart specialist would have the expertise to treat the patient for a specific heart condition.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Say Bye To Varicose Veins With Vein Ablation Treatment

Varicose veins can be treated quickly and effectively with vein ablation. With more and more people getting affected by the disease it makes sense to be aware of how it is caused and ways of preventing it.

Varicose veins affect nearly half the people of United States of America. Almost 25 percent women and 15 percent men carry around the ugly, twisted, and enlarged veins on their feet and legs. Multiple treatment methods are available which are highly effective but the most practiced among them is the vein ablation procedure. This method provides fast relief to the patient and involves minimum scarring. Within only a few hours the patient is released from the hospital to lead a normal life minus the pain and heaviness that is felt in the legs after being affected by varicose veins.

Weak Veins Lead To The Disease

Vein ablation is completely safe way of treating varicose veins and involves cauterizing the blood-filled veins that are not functioning properly. But what causes these bulging veins? The veins are responsible for carrying blood from all parts of the body to the heart for purification. But the ones in the legs get weaker over time because they have to travel against the gravitational force to get the blood up to the heart. Weak veins become gradually incapable of pushing the blood upwards. As a result, blood starts pooling in them and they turn swollen and knotted. Varicose veins are not just visually unappealing but also indications of the body’s weakness which makes you susceptible to diseases.

Vein Ablation Treatment

Cardiologists select the most badly damaged veins for treatment. If more than one vein needs treatment then vein ablation has to be performed as many times as necessary. The method is simple enough to understand.

  • A small incision is made on the skin and a catheter is introduced inside the vein with the help of ultrasound guidance.
  • The radio frequency generator is activated and heat is passed through the catheter to seal off the vein.
  • The procedure is over within an hour’s time.
  • Patients may experience slight pain during the procedure but nothing that is not relieved after the procedure is over.
  • For post-operative care, patients need to maintain a normal healthy lifestyle and remain active.

Life After Varicose Veins

According to cardiologists in Huntington Beach wearing compression stockings for a week after the operation is extremely important. The veins that have been removed are not likely to return. But there is no assurance that new ones will not crop up. However, it takes a lot of time for it to return if the vein ablation treatment in Huntington Beach has been performed perfectly. Aged people and women in particular have a greater chance of naturally developing varicose veins. But with continued exercise and lifestyle changes you can keep varicose veins disease at bay and enjoy life fully.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Spider Vein Specialists Are Here To Keep Your Legs Looking Great!

Spider veins can be treated effectively by an expert spider vein specialist using vein ablation. The treatments are necessary for looking beautiful and reducing pain.

Spider veins are not for grandmas alone. Women and even men can get them on their legs or on other parts of their body as well. It can be considered fairly common with nearly 25 percent adults in the United States being affected by it. Most people in Huntington Beach live with it till it is absolutely necessary to visit the doctor. But, for some, they can be a nightmare. Whether it is a physical discomfort or a mental one, treatment is necessary.

Level And Type Of Discomfort

Small veins form a network under the skin like a web. But they are not visible normally. Spider vein or telangiectasias refers to the condition where these superficial veins turn blue or purple and the web-like character becomes visible. These are mainly caused by a mild form of venous insufficiency which may be an indication of a bigger ailment that is developing in the body. Spider veins make the legs look uglier than the amount of discomfort they cause. They are not as painful as the varicose veins either. Some people may, however, have a heavy and tired feeling in their legs. Some may have swellings as well.

Why Do Veins Stop Functioning Properly?

While methods for treating spider veins are available it is necessary to look at why such a condition occurs at all. Weak veins are primarily responsible for the inability to carry the blood flow and there are many reasons for it.

• Men and women who remain standing for long hours can get spider veins because of the amount of pressure on the legs.
• Sitting for long periods inhibits proper blood circulation and can make the veins purple.
• Doctors feel that you can even inherit spider veins.

What Is Venous Insufficiency?

Venous Insufficiency is a condition where the veins carrying blood from a particular part of the body to the heart do not work properly. The affected veins become weak and bulgy as blood starts pooling into them. This enlarges the veins and they appear dark in color. In spider veins, the bulge cannot be felt as much as in varicose veins. But nevertheless spider veins should not be neglected if they are particularly making the patient feel uncomfortable and heavy. While many methods are available for spider vein treatment in Huntington Beach people prefer a procedure which gives relief fast.

Vein Ablation For Quick Recovery

Vein ablation is one of the oldest methods of correcting spider veins. Safety and quick recovery have made this treatment so popular. In this minimally invasive method, the doctors send a laser beam through a thin fiber into the affected vein to cauterize it. The vein gets sealed off and the leaking valves are closed. This does not stop the blood flow in the legs though as the healthy veins continue to carry blood to the heart or the rest of the body. The treatment hardly takes an hour and the patient can go home right after. Patients are always advised to remain active following the treatment. They can even perform all normal activities within 24 hours of the completion of the procedure. Vein ablation is always performed by a Spider Vein Specialist which accounts for its unusual success rate.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Consult a Doctor for Spider Vein Treatment In Huntington Beach When The First Signs Appear

Spider veins indicate weakness inside the body and should not be ignored. Consult an experienced doctor for spider vein treatment in Huntington Beach. 

Spider veins are somewhat similar to varicose veins though not exactly the same thing. These are the thin blue lines which can be seen prominently under the skin especially when you are wearing your favorite pair of shorts or mini-skirt. Though perfectly harmless they can actually signal poor circulation and the possibility of developing varicose veins which are the thick gnarled blue ones. However if you are unlucky you can have both in the same leg. The problem is purely a genetic one which patients can get from either parents or from both. It can skip a generation as well, so you can get it even if your parents never suffered from it. So sitting cross-legged or wearing high heels is hardly responsible for it.

Is consulting a doctor necessary

Getting the thin red lines all over your legs can make them look ugly but it does not need treatment for that reason alone. It is more of a health issue that requires immediate attention. So if the legs are feeling heavy after the day’s activities or following a particular action don’t ignore it. Also it can cause a throbbing pain in the legs and a general discomfort that needs to be addressed as well. Consulting a doctor is important since these can be signs of poor circulation, vein thrombosis, leg swelling and general discomfort. The condition is compounded by increasing age, hormonal conditions, obesity, and lack of movement.

Pregnancy increases the risk in women

Women tend to get a lot of spider veins in the lower part during pregnancy because the amount of blood increases in the body. The veins enlarge as the uterus grows and pressurizes them. These lines however dissolve within three months of delivery and do not particularly need any treatment. Other reasons for the marks include exposure to the sun as well. A very fair person, for instance, can get them on the nose and cheeks owing to the sun. Nearly 25 percent men and women above the age of 50 suffer from this condition in the United States alone.

Preventing occurrence of the lines

It may be a little difficult to totally get away with the spider lines altogether but there are steps that you may take to lower their occurrence.
• Avoid standing or sitting for long hours to lessen the pressure on veins. Doctors recommend walking around for 30 minutes if your work involves sitting for long hours.
• Increasing the circulation in your legs is important. Exercises like walking or running can help to make the leg muscles strong.
• Compression stockings, preferably customized, are your best friend if you have to remain standing for long hours. They can control as well as prevent the symptoms of spider vein which includes swelling.
• Use a sunscreen on the exposed parts of the body to prevent tanning and damage.

If the lines have already set in then opting for spider vein treatment in Huntington Beach is the best option. The doctor will either go for radio therapy or laser treatment to give relief.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Get rid of ugly marks with Varicose Vein Treatment in Orange County

Varicose veins are the blue gnarled and enlarged veins very commonly seen on aged people especially on the legs because you are always standing upright which enhances the pressure on vessels in the lower body. For some it may have cosmetic concerns as they not very pretty to look at while for others it is a cause of discomfort and pain. It creates a sense of heaviness and also open wounds that can lead to ulceration. Also known as spider veins these can be treated with effective and advanced procedures like radio frequency ablation therapy.

How the veins swell
Veins and arteries are responsible for carrying blood to and fro from the heart to the rest of the body. The ones in the lower part of the body must work extra hard to carry blood to the heart since they have to work against the gravity. The muscles contract acting like pumps to help the blood flow back to the heart. As the tiny blood vessels open to let the blood flow upwards and close to prevent it from flowing back they become frail, flabby, and loose. The veins stretch and start to swell and blood starts pooling into the legs causing the pain and heaviness.

Reasons for the condition

The causes for spider veins are many including genetic tendency, hormones, puberty, pregnancy, birth control pills and even menopause which make the valves weak and increase the chance of a change in the leg circulation. The risk of developing varicose veins increases with age because the veins have been enduring a lot of wear and tear while regulating the blood flow. Gradually the blood starts collecting in the veins instead of flowing back to the heart. Obesity and staying in the same position for longer hours adds more strain to the blood vessels.

Risk factors and treatment

If you have developed spider veins then you need immediate attention of a Varicose Vein Specialist since they are capable of causing painful ulcers near the areas particularly the ankles. It is caused by the buildup of fluid over a long period of time. A discolored spot is formed which gradually gives way to the ulcer. They also cause blood clots which need urgent medical attention. A qualified physician ascertains the treatment method to be used using ultrasound. Thereafter the decision is made whether vein ablation treatment will be useful or not. The procedure is non-invasive and usually performed using local anesthesia. A thin fiber is inserted through the veins with the help of ultrasound guidance. Thermal energy is used to cauterize and seal the vein with leaks. When the valves are closed the vein shrinks and becomes normal. The healthy ones however carry on the function and the leg functions normally.

You should opt for experienced and qualified doctors for the treatment of Varicose Vein Treatment in Orange County to ensure return to regular activities within a day with minimum pain and discomfort. Since the procedure is non-surgical it ensures no incision marks on the skin either.